A Light from Heaven

First of all, right off the top I want to say how deeply grateful I am that you chose to visit our webpage. So…since you’re here, I want to ask you if you wouldn’t mind engaging with me for a moment or two. But I don’t want you to use your intellect, I want you to use your imagination. I want you to imagine for a second and really ponder this question? “Who” do you think you could have been, if you never heard the word “No”?

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About US

A Light From Heaven

We are a committed group of individuals who realize that there is something different about us. That we really don’t fit in or blend in with the normalcy of everyday society. Where we are beginning to realize that we are here for a purpose. And that purpose is to help create change in the world. We are recognizing that We are the Change We have been looking for.  And individually and collectively We can change the World into becoming the World that God sees. We recognize that there is so much more to us and within us, then what the world is trying to convince us into believing in about ourselves. That we are all Created the same, In the Image and likeness of God. That within each of us there is a gene of genius and that greatness lives within us. Because our minds are Brilliant and that we all have the potential to operate on this genius level. All that is needed is for us to be open to the idea that genius does live within us. And that it will respond to us, as we create a space of receptivity within us which operates with the correct Mindset. A mind that doesn’t believe in fear or is filled with self-doubt. And a Mindset that is filled and operates in Love. Because Love is who we are, and Love is all we will ever be! It has been the world we live in, that has taken away from us our greatest Power. The ability to love, and to be Loved. We see ourselves as Leaders, Life Changers, Motivational Speakers, Thought Leaders and Social Media Influencers. There is something unique and special about us. And we are all here to be the ones that make a difference as we grow together as One. One Family and One Love.

Founder, CEO

Shanti Bolden

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Creating A Mindset



Taking Back Our Life

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