our vision

Vision Statement

Our Vision is to bring all Likeminded Brothers and Sisters together, all races and all ages. So that we can collectively grow in agreement as One Family. It has been the world that has strategically created separation within each of us. Where eventually we began to mistrust one another, and even hate each other, all because of our differences. And because of this separation there are those who have been left with a horrible feeling within. Because they don’t feel as though they fit in. Where it becomes way too easy to feel as if they don’t belong. How could this happen we ask? It’s easy to discover if we really look to see. The reason is that there is no Love in our world! Love has been transmuted into Lust! Where we lust for people and lust for what they have. It’s almost Taboo when it comes to seeing love these days. Think about it? How many times in a day do we actually see acts that are loving, or even filled with kindness? And when you really think about it, this is absolutely horrible, because we are loving people. Love is the very essence of our being, it feels good when we love. Because it feels right!!

So our Vision is to be the place, where Love lives. Our Vision is to hold each other in Love, and to teach each other “how” to Love. Love is such a Beautiful thing when it is living on the inside of us. Love was created to be shared and given away. And as we all begin to walk in Love, and share Love even with perfect strangers, when we are out and about in our daily living. We will discover what real living is all about. Because it feels so good to be loving and as we allow Love to move through us, then we will discover something absolutely amazing. “Joy”. We will discover the Joy it really is to be Alive. And in Joy we will discover that we are all the same!! One Family One Love, filled to overflowing in One Joy!