Taking Back Our Life


God blessed us and gifted us with the ability to think and to believe. These two gifts when used properly will bring to us everything we desire and need in order to live an extraordinary life…filled with excitement and Joy! However, we have to use discernment Family because I want you to be able to receive what I’m now getting ready to share with you. That God gifted us with the ability to have very powerful thoughts. Now in order to have these kinds of thoughts means, we must no longer engage in lifeless, useless thoughts and ideas. Because those kinds of thoughts disconnect us from our natural inner abilities to grow,

and to achieve the greatness we are destined to live in. We must take a stand and reserve the right so that the only thoughts that are fired from our thinking minds, are powerful thoughts. Why? Because our thoughts and our beliefs are the Inner Compass that our Creator blessed us with. So, in order to manifest and create this wonderful life we want to build and live in. Then we want our inner compass to be pointed straight North!! Which is the land of positivity. I really need for you to understand that each time you think…then you’re moving. Unbeknownst to you nevertheless, you’re moving. Mentally you are decreeing words thoughts and ideas and because of that, you are bringing into your life the very things that are in your mental world. And all of this operates on a level that is undetected with eyes. And I want you to understand that it’s all about cleaning out our pallet, so to speak. So that our thought process and our belief system is then able to move back into their original position, that was given to us by God. For this is how He created us and designed us to think and believe, powerfully of course.

Therefore, as your thoughts become focused where you no longer allow yourself to engage and interact in these worldly thoughts that govern the land around us. Thoughts that are negative or limited, thoughts that are filled with doubts, and are fearful or worrisome thoughts. Then now you are putting yourself in position to actually generate ‘Power’ within your thoughts. When your thoughts are filled with Power then you can actually change your life. When your thoughts are filled with Power, then ideas that are filled with unlimited possibilities begin to flow through our minds. Why? Because we aren’t sabotaging our thought process with negative thoughts of unworthiness, doubts or disbelief any longer. When our minds are free and we back that feeling of freedom up with a belief that is unshakable, and a knowingness that is unwavering, and undeniable. Then now you will begin to notice ‘Change’, great change taking place within you, in a most beautiful way.

Where your world and your reality now begin to shift and change in the direction in which “You” choose for it to go. In other words, we have the ability to completely change the entire trajectory of where our limited and negative thoughts were taking us.  And we can interrupt all of it by changing our thinking speaking and acting, from negative to positive. It’s the world that has taught us to negatively look at a glass that’s half full, in a limited and negative way. The same way it taught us to look at ‘ourself’ in a limited and negative way! In order to live in joy, and have a fantastic life, then listen to me real closely. The life you desire to have, it already lives within you now! And It’s up to you to set it free. Isn’t that deep? And we free it, by actually making a shift in the way we see and perceive life around us. We free it by actually making a shift in the way we see and perceive life within ourselves as well. And we set it free by our ability to actually believe that we can become a better person and a smarter person. So we begin daily to make declarations throughout the day over ourselves. For instance, “I am made in God’s Image and likeness, He made me smart and intelligent”. We have to believe it in our heart, that we can be better. And Family, we must honestly believe, it doesn’t take much effort to believe. We must believe that we ‘can’ become a smarter person, a better person, a person that’s filled with confidence. And always remember this, that we can become the very person we believe our self to be. All we have to do is believe. Family we were created by God to outwardly live in a state that reflects what He inwardly placed within us. All that limits us was given to us by the world, and we must remember that! However, New life in Christ reunites us with what was given to us by Him. Because these qualities still live within us. They can’t go anywhere because these awesome qualities are who we truly are. Did you know, I mean sincerely, did you know just how Awesome you really are? Yeah, I said it… You’re Awesome!!! And who you are authentically has been covered up by worldly opinions and beliefs. And it has been by having and using a negative attitude or negative thoughts and actions, that has been the very thing which has kept us bound. So, there is a price to pay as we unconsciously participate in the world’s foolishness. Simple solution! Wake Up!! The good the peace the love and the joy, is still there within you now. I dare you to be Bold and discover it. And if you choose to be Bold then also take dominion and see if you have a negative attitude, if you do change it. Be Bold Family, and honestly look and see for yourself if your words are negative. And if that is your state of mind, be Bold and do something about it and take Dominion over those negative words.. Because the rewards will outweigh the price we pay for remaining asleep and living unconsciously. If we choose to be Bold and take action to create change for the better. We will discover something really special. As the negative begins to change into the positive, we will begin to notice that we live in an atmosphere that touches everything around us, because everything begins to start working together for our good. The atmosphere is Spiritual and we are able to connect to it because of our new state of positivity. Where our attitude begins to shift and perhaps, we become more forgiving, or the first one to say I’m sorry. These are the kinds of things that help us to shift into the positive, and this is what we want Family. The state of Positivity is filled with derivatives that come from the qualities of The Spirit of God. Such as happiness, Joy and even Love. And I’m here to simply say to you that life becomes beautiful to us as we step into this Realm. For as we begin to live in this incredible state of Positivity, our life changes for the better. And we then begin to attract into our lives the very things that we need exactly when we need them. Because we have moved into a state of harmony within ourself and the Spirit which is all around us… Therefore, If it’s people, situations jobs, Divine timing, finances, or health. All things we will discover work together for our highest good. Why? Because of our positive relationship we have within ourself, and… by being a distributer of positive energy around us. This will be the very piece that places us in our right place and always at the right time. Because we were created to be in sync with life, and the world all around us. And everything which comes into our lives, comes by right of consciousness. If our overall vibe is negative, then that’s probably what we will be experiencing more of. And if our vibe is in the positive, then positivity will move into our daily experiences. As we make a complete shift and begin to turn it around from the negative into the positive and now live with a positive mindset. We will begin to attract to us more of who we are. And who we are is a child of God. As His child, we were created to prosper, to live in health, and in harmony within our self and life around us. I want to challenge you to give yourself a chance to live life authentically. Don’t continue to allow the world to dictate to you how you should feel. Become proactive by taking charge and control of your own destiny. And submit to living from this New lifestyle, because we all deserve the opportunity to live life at the highest possible level. And living life in this way, we will discover what real authentic living is. And begin to feel such an amazing experience of Joy, and of Love within us, begin to constantly flow out of us. Accept my challenge to you, and find out for your own self, if what I’m saying to you is true? Are you with me? Family, as we begin to now live in this New Way of Life. We then are consciously beginning to mentally create for ourselves the life we truly want to live. And once it’s embodied mentally, the outward expression of it being manifested in and as our life, will then have no choice but to come forth.. So, in order for all of this to take place, then we must recapture our minds, because presently it is being held captive by the world. So I’m challenging you to take control of how your life is lived mentally. So that only the highest and greatest yet to be…is now able to come forth and flow into your live like a Powerful Beacon of incredible light.,