Putting it all together


So as we are now getting better acquainted with our relationship with our mind, our Mindset and our relationship as to how we interact in and with the world. Let me take you a little bit deeper. Let me suggest to you precious Family. That I want you to consider this awesome realization. That there is so much more to you, about you and within you, that you will unfortunately be unable to embrace, until you become conscious and awake!! As long as your mind continues to live within the limited circumference of anger, hate and self-doubt.

Family watch this, as these states of limitation live within you, then you will continue to be unable to see clearly, think clearly and know who you are. I want you to know that this limited state of awareness lives within the Narrative that tries to controls us. It has been created by the world, and it’s designed to enslave it. We live within two (2) systems that are fighting for our attention. There is a Spiritual system and a worldly system designed to fill us up with limitations, which is ruled by satin. And as long as we remain in an unconscious state. Then you will never know just how amazing and incredible you really are. Family of God, “YOU” are so much more than the person the world has convinced you into believing in. And the world is designed to keep your mind and your attention so busy and scattered. That you no longer think outside of the box, when it comes to discovering who you are. And we simply seem to then go where we are being programmed to go. And think how we are being programmed to think or act. We have become programmed to be half human-half robots. Because our thinking mind and objective thinking has now become almost predictable. Why..? Because we no longer think or operate independently where we are having original thoughts. We may think that it’s a new idea, but our idea at the root level is built upon a particular suggestion, which lives within the Narrative that governs our world. Therefore, our thought process is filled with re-cycled thoughts. Think about that, Thoughts of fear, thoughts of worry, these are the re-cycled thoughts we seem to be chewing on these days.

And because this mindset that’s given to us by the world, continues to live within us un-checked. We then live in a mindset of perhaps poverty, anger hate, and limitation, in other words, the worlds point of view. And no matter how much we may try to rise above this negative realm, we have found ourselves to be living in. We will continue to be a resident of this horrific evil unbeknownst to us. The only solution? We must wake up! And begin to recognize that there is a whole lot more going on around us, and to us then we realize! The world has convinced you and me to see ourselves only in the particular light that the world has suggested as our potential. And then we die, going to the grave with incredible unlimited potential that has never been touched. Because we have been filled up with the world’s P.O.V. all lies, which unfortunately kept us living in a world of fear and limitation. Where perhaps we were trapped in a box surrounded by suppression and the likes. So I say it’s about time that we begin to take a stance and remove ourselves from the very thing that is limiting us. And start focusing on this second system that is trying to get our attention. And this second system I already mentioned is Spiritual! This is where our Power is Family, because ‘We’ are Spiritual. So therefore, until we begin to recognize that we are living in this world with no power, then our life is almost meaningless. For once we realize who we are Spiritually speaking, then we walk in Power !! Because that’s when ‘All Things Work Together For Our Good ‘!!And now we are in alignment with our reason for being here. This is what The Lord Jesus Christ was trying to get us to see. He was showing us that there are two systems, and as we come into the system we were created to live in, then that’s when everything begins to make sense. As we make the decision to move into the natural harmony we were created to live in, by coming out of the world’s system. Then that becomes the moment the life we thought we knew, is now simply the opening to a world that is filled not only with Blessings, but we will begin to walk in the realm of the Supernatural. Where we become manifesters of beautiful things to come…God’s Kingdom! That’s why we are here!! We need to know and understand that the only limits upon us Family, are the limits ‘we’ place upon ourselves. Because the way God created us, is that we ‘can’ do All things through Christ who strengthens us!! Don’t you want to know for yourself if that’s true? So first things first, we must wake up and realize we ‘are’ Powerful! More powerful than what we are being led to believe, by the worlds system. The world wants to keep us unaware of our genius, our beauty and our Greatness. By filling us up with it’s lies. The world doesn’t want you or me to complete our purpose and our reason as to why we were created and why we are here. Because we are living in the middle of a battlefield between the Spiritual and the world, influenced by satin. And as long as we remain unaware of our True Greatness then we pretty much live from an impotent state of connectivity to The Glory that lives within us. Therefore we must shake off of us any ties and agreements to the worlds P.O.V. like we do dust on our boots. Because this belief that is negative has become a poison to our soul. A poison that has rotted our inner belief system. Because Family, it has been the world that was able to imprison us by turning our own minds against us, by filling our minds up with things like doubt and unbelief. Family, we are God’s child made in His image and likeness. So what’s there to doubt? So we want to begin to use our minds the way our minds were created by God to be used. Our minds are so powerful, that whatever we speak begins to pull to us the very things we speak. But in order to operate on this level, then there can be no doubts, no uncertainty, and no disbelief within us. The way our thought process was designed by God was that the moment we declare a thing then BOOM !! That very thing is then is on the way into manifestation!

Look it up in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 27 verses 28-40. When Isaac gave his Blessing to his son Jacob. The blessing was supposed to go to Esau but Isaac was old and could barely see, and was tricked by Rebekah his wife, who was Jacobs natural mother. She wanted Jacob to receive the Blessing even though it was Esau’s blessing to have. Why? Because he was the eldest son. Now watch this…After Jacob received the spoken word of Blessing, Esau came home with the food his father asked him to hunt for. Because Isaac was supposed to eat it and then give Esau The Blessing. But Jacob pretended to be Esau and he gave Isaac the meat to eat and he received The Blessing. This was a sacred ritual where the Blessing was passed on to the eldest son by the father who was soon to pass. But to Esau’s horrific discovery he found out that the ‘Word’ had already been released, and spoken into the atmosphere. And in verse 38 Esau asks his father if he has just one more Blessing that he could release into ’his’ life. And Isaac basically said that unfortunately, once the word had been spoken and is released it could not return. And the very things Isaac spoke into Jacob’s life came to pass, down to his unborn children, all of it came to pass. And This Family of God is how you and I were created. We have the ability to do the same thing. Isaac was made in the image and likeness of God, the very same way you and I are. And right now, within us is the ability to speak into existence the very things we decree. However, in order to operate on this level then we have to begin to start living in this second system our Lord and Savior was telling us about. Isaac lived in this system, and there’s no fear in this mindset, no doubt and definitely no uncertainty. And none of that lived within the mind of Isaac when he spoke his word of Blessing. He knew something Powerful was being released once he spoke it. How about you? Do you know that something very Powerful is being released into the atmosphere when you speak your word? Can you feel or imagine what that feels like, to live with no fear or doubts in your mind? So lets grow together Family of God, and discover at once, the Power we were created to walk in and to live from. We have to have Power to build The Kingdom of God, and in order to walk in Power we have to enter into God’s system. One last point before I close, as we begin to live in this new system. We will discover such Joy and an incredible peace as we do. For we will be moving into alignment with how God created us to live. Chaos and confusion only lives within the system of the world, and not Gods system. You are created in the Image and likeness of God, and I dare you to discover it!!