A Light From Heaven

“Continuing from first page”
Who might you be? Stay with me and don’t jump into your head thinking about other things, or looking at your watch or something. Give yourself permission to be “Present” with me in this moment. Do you know that the way the system, rather the world in which we live in, that it is designed to keep your mind busy? So busy in fact, that we actually feel uncomfortable within ourself when it comes to taking a moment or two to actually tune into ourselves? And discover our true feelings? So, are you still with me? Good! What would your life look like if you were raised from a child into adulthood, where you lived in an environment of Love and Support? And not just from family but from the neighborhood and from your peers? Where you were told over and over again things like “You’re Amazing, or you’re Brilliant”? Or that you were made to feel that there’s something Special about you? Again…. “Who” might you be? What kind of a person do you think you would have become? Now watch this, When we were children, we were so connected. We were innocent, we were pure, and we were Love. There was no hate within us, only “Joy”! The Joy it truly was simply being alive. If we got into a fight with our friend or sibling? Five minutes later we were playing and laughing as if it “Never” happened. Because to a child it didn’t happen, So what does that mean? Well as children, we were able to let things go and simply moved on. Therefore, a child knows how to become Free, and in that freedom, they forget about it and move on. How many of us can say we still walk in that level of freedom today? Not too many of us I’m sure.

Here’s something extremely interesting, children live in a state of “Wonder and Awe”. When you look into the eyes of a child, do you notice the joy and the excitement shining through? Here’s a secret I learned from children. You see, in order to stay in that Magical state of Wonder and Awe, a child cannot hold on to Anger, or Hate or Unforgiveness. Why? Because these emotions are Dark and filled with Heaviness, and almost instinctively they understand that the moment they allow themselves to feel these emotions, then their connection to their inner world of Joy and Wonder …disappears!!

So, what does a child do? They make a decision and they look for more things that will bring them the Joy the Happiness and the Fun! This becomes their focus and if perhaps no one is around them for instance. What do they do? They entertain themselves laughing and playing, children get it, they understand! However for us as adults, our whole perspective is totally different, isn’t it? When someone does something to upset us or if something upsets us…what do “we” do? We argue, we cuss ,and we fight. But do we do what children do? Nope!! We hold on to Anger,or Hate or Unforgiveness, and wonder why our days our weeks, or even our life is so miserable? We need to learn a thing or two from children, don’t you agree? We need to become “Intentional in our daily living. And what I mean by that is we need to set our intention throughout our day, that we want to feel Joy again. That we want to feel Love again, and even feel fun in our days again. Learn from the children, and begin to look more for the things you want more of in your life, then holding onto things that destroy your Joy. But here is the precious gem ..Children don’t look for love, because they’re too busy being love. They don’t look for joy or happiness either. Why? Because they have “become” joy and have “become” happiness. I asked you earlier “Who” might you be, if you never heard the word “No”? Honestly, we could see that we would have lived in a state of complete Freedom if that happened. Freedom to try new things, freedom to explore uncharted territory. And we would have connected to a part of us that lives in a state of mind where “All things are Possible”! Within this inward state again, there is complete freedom and no restrictions. This state of complete freedom is also the inner connection we’d feel if we were told that we were Brilliant, or that we were amazing over and over. Or that we were told that there is something Special about us all of our life? So what am I trying to get you to see? That even if we weren’t brought up in an environment that was supportive to bring out the absolute Best of us, the Best of us is still there!! There is Genius within you and right now all things are still… Possible to You! So how do we connect to this state? Well, The Lord Jesus Christ told us how to do it. When He said we must “be as a child in order to enter into The Kingdom of Heaven”. And Heaven is a state of mind, where All Things Are Possible. Do you remember as a child that in your mind you actually believed that there was nothing you could not do? Do you remember that feeling? Well, we used to live in that state until the world took it away from us. The world stole our Joy and our connection to love. Leaving in place things like “fear, worry and even hate”. Come with us Family, and let’s discover together, “The Glory”. As we rekindle what was lost, rather what was stolen from us. It’s time to feel the Love and the Joy we all once had as innocent children. Because these qualities never left us, we left them following the ways of the world. It is this system we live in that caught our attention, and unfortunately separated us from who we really are. So I pray that something resonates within your spirit and that you find it in your heart, that you want to be a part of this Awesome Tribe of like-minded people. Who want the very same thing as you do. Genuine reconnection to who we really are !! Did you know that Genius still lives on the inside of you, and so does Love? Lets discover it together Family. So in closing, I want to challenge you to do as the children do. Be on the hunt, and start looking out for the very things you want more of in your life. Start looking out for things to be excited about again. Things that make you happy, and Things to be Joyful about. You have the Power to create the world you want to live in. Because You are more Powerful than you realize, and the goal of this Tribe is to work together and to support each other as we rediscover it all. And what will become crystal clear to us is that we truly are “A Light From Heaven”. Filled to the max in Joy in Peace and overflowing in God’s Love.