Creating A Mindset


I want to talk about creating a Mind Set, because it’s important to understand that if you aren’t aware of your mental state. Then you will perhaps attract things or people or even events into your life, that could be detrimental to you becoming the positive and powerful person God created you to be. We must understand that everything starts First in our thought world. So, we want to make sure that our mental thought processer is in alignment with whatever it is that we want in our lives. Are you with me so far? Good. The world has been able to condition us to a degree, that for the most part if we aren’t aware of our thinking. Then because of our experiences of life, good or bad then this creates our outlook which becomes the Lens in which we perceive life through. Our thought process for the most part is an unconscious act. If our focus then is on negative thinking, we must understand that we are operating within a subconscious loop.

Which soon and very soon, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And because this process operates on a subconscious level, then we don’t think, we just do. And we end up “do doing” all over ourselves. So, we want to make a concerted effort to literally change the trajectory of our life by “focusing” only on things that are positive, no longer on the negative.  And we do this by creating the Mindset that only supports what it is that we want more of in our life. Nothing Negative at all !! Where we completely change the entire mental script, that we have been so used to reciting. Not to worry, not to worry …Not to worry!! We can do this. Why? Because “We can use our minds to free our Minds”! In other words, we can make a conscious decision that we want to begin to now become in harmony with the very things we want more of in our lives. And we do this by setting our intention that we will only allow certain things to be entertained through our thought process. Thoughts that are “only” in agreement and in Harmony. Thoughts that only support the fruition of the idea we are holding in our hearts. And therefore, we choose to eliminate… All fearful thoughts, beliefs and conclusions we’ve come to Which no longer serve the outcome we are holding in our hearts. For example, we can’t be holding in our hearts that we want that job we just interviewed for. But yet, our thoughts and beliefs are filled with doubts fears and disbeliefs. I call this an “Internal Mismatch”. We must understand that we attract into our lives the very things we harbor in our thoughts. So, the word we need to become more familiar with is called “Perception”. Because everything is relative to what it is that we perceive! It is our perception which shapes and influences our lives. Because what we think about and believe to be true, becomes just that. Our Mind Set begins to pull to us the very thing that we believe.