
Jayland Walker Fund Raiser

On June 27,2022 A Black man by the name of Jayland Walker, age 25. Was chased down like a run-away Slave by the Akron Ohio Police Department. And he was unarmed by the way, nevertheless, it didn’t matter. He was BLACK !! He was shot ‘60’times, to his face his neck, feet chest, arms and legs. All because of a routine traffic stop. Let that sink in for a moment. Black people are extremely terrified by the Police, because Law Enforcement Officers have been proven to be unpredictable in this country when stopping Black people. Where a Black man can be beaten, Tasered, and even shot dead all from a routine Traffic Stop. A broken tail light could be fatal to a Black motorist simply on his way to the supermarket. Therefore, let me repeat this, Black people across this country are afraid of being pulled over, but this question comes to mind. Why don’t they get the fix-it ticket taken care of? I believe it is because of ONE reason And One Reason Only!! They don’t have the finances to get their cars fixed, and tickets that are not addressed can turn into warrants! So this is what I’m going to do because it’s in my Spirit to do so. I’m creating a Fundraiser in Jayland Walker’s name. And I’m asking you if you could find it in your heart to help heal this horrible wrong, and do your part to stop Black people from being shot and killed simply for a fix-it ticket!!

Therefore it is my intention to set this Fund Raiser up so that not One More Black man ever has to go through this kind of horror “Never EVER AGAIN”!! All because of a broken tail light or expired registration? Really ..?? This is ridiculous! Let’s just be honest here, not every Black man has the funds. But should he die because of it? They very well could be good honest hard-working people that need to use their vehicles to take the kids to school, and drop off their wife at work before they themselves go to work. And are saving up to get their violation resolved! And get killed before they are able to fix it. These are difficult times we are living in now. I honestly don’t have a clue as to how to do this? Because I need to be able to reach out across the nation as a source of help. And someone needs to step up and do this!! So I’m going to be bold and be the One to do it, and as I do I ask “You” Dear Family. White, Brown Black Yellow, all races all genders, and all ages. To join me, those of you who have technological skills I need you! Those of you that have organizational skills, I need You! And those of you that are tired of seeing Black people murdered in broad daylight or at night. And if you have the finances to share? Contact me, and let’s change the world together!!

God Bless You