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What We think about and believe to be true, even if it’s not…but to us we believe it to be. Then this idea or belief, will begin to have a magnetic pull that begins to attract to us our own beliefs, which then becomes our Reality. Why? Because all of life is vibration therefore our belief attracts to us the very thing we believe. For example, if we believe that we are easily angered for instance. Then we will continue to attract to ourselves more reasons, more things and more experiences to be angry over. As we then become absorbed in an endless loop.  Where almost everything we see becomes connected to this bubble or created reality and we feel connected to a state of irritation. This kind of Reality is separate from “The” reality we long to live in. Because no one really wants to live in an unpredictable unstable state of emotional turmoil. So, we must ask then what is the reality we want to live in? The true reality we want to live in is “Love” not anger, not hate but Love!  However, because Love isn’t something we get to witness too often it then becomes easy to emulate more of the world that is around us, which is anger or hate.

This is why The Lord Jesus Christ said to us to “Seek ye first The Kingdom of Heaven and All these things will be added unto you.” In other words, He was telling us that we are living in two worlds, or two systems. He was telling us to come out of the world’s system of hate and come into another system which is Love! Love is the state of mind that will give to us an incredible life. It is important to understand the significance of our thoughts and beliefs, because they are more powerful than we can imagine! As we use our thoughts and beliefs in a positive way, a loving way, we will be living in our own separate bubble from the world’s reality in a good way. And we will begin to start attracting into our life more of what we do want. More Peace more Joy, more abundance. “The Glory” God gifted us with when He created us is then able to move freely through us as our thoughts, and beliefs become the inner compass our Creator blessed us with, in order to bring to life, the very things we believe and desire. Our goal is to learn how to use our thoughts in a positive way and in a loving way, in order to create an atmosphere that begins to attract the awesome kind of life we desire to live. Therefore, we will discover that we are now living in a bubble, where we are separated from the mundane world. Where our daily experiences and interactions with people, instances and situations are now reflecting back to us the very thing that we are. “LOVE”! As we then find ourselves in an endless loop, this time for our good. Where we find people in our day that are kind helpful and loving. Once our thinking process is in harmony within itself, then that’s when all things work together for our good. We must always remember that the Power to change and live the life that we truly desire to live, all starts first in our mind, and then is reflected outside of us through the words we speak, generated by the inner dialogue of our thoughts. Change your thinking, Change your YOUR LIFE !!